Who is PharmacoGeneticsTesting.Com
PharmacoGeneticsTesting.com was founded by a collaborative effort of pharmacogenomic industry experts, advocates, genetic science enthusiasts, and adherents to the belief that the combination of science and medicine can bring beneficial advancements with an astonishing array of applications. This idea that by designing better medications and pharmaceutical products we can improve lives is by no means new, but it’s only recently that pharmacogenetics has been brought into the mainstream. We hope that this site will act as resource on pharmacogenetics for both the professional- scientists, genetics researchers and developers, chemical engineers, and pharmaceutical companies- as well as the layperson.
Pharmacogenomics: The Power to Transform and Change Entire Industries
By fostering discussion, providing a wealth of informational resources, and elaborating the transformative power of this process we hope to be part of the force that is pharmacogenetics. We look forward to bringing you all there is to know about this field. Considering the fact in America alone, billions of dollars are spent annually on pharmaceutical drugs, the financial implications of this technology alone are astounding. In addition the ability for a physician to prescribe drugs that are genetically tailored to work for a patient is remarkable. No longer will a patient have to endure harmful side effects, or try a cocktail of drugs before discovering what is actually beneficial. Switching focus to a different side of the pharmaceutical industry, the ability to have a beneficial impact on addiction issues surrounding pharmaceuticals is also quite amazing. By prediciting with some degree of accuracy a patient’s predisposition to abuse of certain chemicals or compounds it is feasible that we could arrest somewhat the abuse and misuse of prescription drugs.
These are all topics we will be exploring and delving into as the field progresses. If you would like to participate as a guest author, have an article you’d like us to consider, or are wondering more about the exciting field of pharmacogenetics; we encourage you to reach out to us. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
-The PharmacoGeneticsTesting.Com Team